

Please see below the latest news articles from the Infected Blood Inquiry and check back regularly for further updates.


Phone: 07933 174 436

Most Recent News

  • Inquiry publishes financial report

    We have published a report which details the Inquiry’s annual expenditure for the 2023-24 financial year up to 30 March 2024.

    The report shows that the Inquiry spent £10.301 million in 2023-24. Like last year, the Inquiry's investigation work was the largest item of expenditure.
    You can download the 2023-24 financial report here, and find all of the Inquiry’s financial…


  • Newsletter

    The most recent edition of the Infected Blood Inquiry newsletter has now been published. This is designed to provide a short update on the work of the Inquiry. 

    You can view the newsletter below.


  • Timetable and factsheet for expert hearings

    We have published the timetable and factsheet to provide information for those attending the hearings in London on 24-28 February.


    Timetable for expert hearings 24 - 28 February 2020


  • Expert reports published

    We have today (4 February 2020) published four reports written by the Inquiry’s expert groups on: the psychosocial impact of infection with HIV, hepatitis C and other viruses; on hepatitis; on HIV...

  • Intermediaries’ report published

    We have today (29 January 2020) published the report written by the Inquiry’s intermediaries. 

    Some people told the Inquiry that the stigma attached to their experiences meant they would have...

  • Update on expert groups

    We have today (Monday 23 December) published one new and four supplementary Letters of Instruction for our expert groups.

    A new letter has been sent to the medical ethics group while the hepatitis...

  • Newsletter

    The most recent edition of the Infected Blood Inquiry newsletter has now been published. This is designed to provide a short update on the work of the Inquiry. 

    Please click on the link below to view...

  • Local meetings with the Inquiry team

    The Inquiry will be holding local meetings for people infected and/or affected throughout the UK in the first months of 2020. The aim of these meetings is to update people on the work of the Inquiry...

  • Inquiry round-up

    The three weeks hearing evidence from people infected and affected this autumn brought the total number of people who have given oral evidence to the Inquiry since April to 189.  The Inquiry has also...

  • Judicial review process complete

    In September, five clients of Malcomson Law issued judicial review proceedings against the Chair of the Inquiry. This process has now come to an end.

    Four core participants were challenging the...

  • Newsletter

    The most recent edition of the Infected Blood Inquiry newsletter has now been published. This is designed to provide a short update on the work of the Inquiry. 

    Please click on the link below to view...

  • Inquiry files paperwork in judicial review

    Five clients of Malcomson Law have issued judicial review proceedings against the Chair of the Inquiry, Sir Brian Langstaff. We filed paperwork yesterday (3 October 2019) to the Administrative Court...

  • Public hearings factsheet

    We have published a factsheet to provide information for those attending the hearings in London between 8 October and 1 November 2019.


    London hearings factsheet.