Local meetings with the Inquiry team

An opportunity to ask your questions about the Inquiry and to get updates on our work in venues across the country.

The Inquiry will be holding meetings for people affected throughout the UK in the first months of 2019, ahead of the public hearings starting at the end of April.

The aim of these meetings is to update people on the work of the Inquiry and give people a chance to talk to the Inquiry team in a location convenient to where they live.

We are planning to hold meetings in early 2019 in: Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Carlisle, Perth, Hastings, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Nottingham, Plymouth and Southampton.

In November and December 2018 we are holding meetings in Belfast, Edinburgh and Llandudno as fewer people from those areas were able to travel to the preliminary hearings. If you live close to one of these three locations and have not received an email about the meeting convenient for you please get in touch with us using the contact@infectedbloodinquiry.org.uk or calling the Inquiry on 0808 169 1377.

We will update the website with further information about next year's meetings once we have secured dates and venues.