The Inquiry Report will be published on the Inquiry website at 12.30pm on 20 May and will then be available to anyone who wishes to read it. Sir Brian Langstaff, Chair of the Inquiry, will speak at 2pm on 20 May at Central Hall, Westminster, and this will be followed by Reflections. Both will be broadcast on the Inquiry’s YouTube channel.
The Inquiry will be printing the first two volumes which include a summary and overview of the Inquiry’s findings. These two volumes will be provided at Central Hall on 20 May and then by post to participants.
Inquiry participants will have an opportunity to view the report in confidence and subject to a Restriction Order on the morning of 20 May. The Inquiry team will email our contact list to explain how this will work. There will be no access to the Report before 20 May so that the findings about what happened and why become available to all on the same day.
Central Hall will be open from 8am and participants are free to arrive at any time ahead of Sir Brian’s remarks at 2pm.
For more information see the Inquiry factsheet here.