Infected Blood Inquiry sets out plans for hearings in 2021


Sir Brian Langstaff reflects on recent hearings and looks forward to those next year in his closing remarks which can be read in full here.

The Inquiry will resume hearings after the Christmas break and will continue to take evidence from haemophilia clinicians in January. An updated timetable of next year’s hearings has now been published

Registration for attendance has now opened for the tenth week (Tuesday 12 – Thursday 14 January). During that week, the Inquiry will be hearing from Dr David Bevan and Dr Janet Shirley, in addition to a presentation by Counsel to the Inquiry about the Manchester Haemophilia Centre.

We are asking people to register by Wednesday 16 December so that we can confirm seats at the earliest opportunity. Registration for later hearings will be announced on the Inquiry website, and by email to everyone on our mailing list. You can join the Inquiry’s mailing list by emailing or calling 0808 169 1377.  

After Easter, campaigners and government witnesses, including ministers and civil servants, will give evidence, moving on to pharmaceutical and blood services organisations in autumn. 

Chair of the Inquiry, Sir Brian Langstaff, said:

“The evidence of one clinician is not always easy to reconcile with that of another, or the documents, or the evidence of those infected and affected: like all of us, they are people, and have different ways of looking at what happened and different abilities to address it when recalling the past. But overall, a broad picture of what happened, and why, is slowly beginning to emerge for me; and a foundation for concluding what might have been done is gradually being laid.”