Weeks Five, Six and Seven: Haemophilia Clinicians Public Hearings Open For Registration


Registration has now opened for weeks five, six and seven (Tuesday 27 October - Friday 20 November) of the Inquiry’s Haemophilia Clinicians hearings. You can view the up to date timetable here.

We are asking people to register by Tuesday 6 October so that we can confirm seats. It would help the team if you could only register for dates that you know you would be free to attend. If you have any difficulties registering, the team will be able to assist.

Anyone with a confirmed place to attend hearings will find information about the practical details in this factsheet, such as the need to wear face coverings, use allocated seating in the hearing room and lounges, and maintain 2m distance from other attendees outside your own household. The Inquiry will continue to provide psychological support, refreshments, and first aid at the hearings and will meet reasonable expenses

Registration for later hearings will be announced on the Inquiry website, and by email to everyone on our mailing list. You can join the Inquiry’s mailing list by emailing contact@infectedbloodinquiry.org.uk or calling 0808 169 1377.