Inquiry publishes additional material for HIV and Hepatitis expert reports


Today the Infected Blood Inquiry has published additional material answering further questions for the HIV and hepatitis expert groups.

The reports were first published ahead of expert hearings which took place from the 24-28 February. 



The addition to the hepatitis report addresses two further questions posed in the supplemental letters of instruction to the hepatitis expert group on the 20 March 2020. The questions arose following the expert evidence given to the Inquiry in February and relate to genotypes among those infected with hepatitis C, and when it became known that hepatitis B was sexually transmissible.



The addition to the HIV report addresses questions posed to the HIV expert group in  the original letter of instruction issued on 25 September 2019, and the supplemental letter of instruction on 20 December 2019. These relate to issues around HIV transmission, care and medical training. 


You can find the additional material at the end of each report here:

Hepatitis expert report with additional material                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

HIV expert report with additional material 


Any questions about the work of the experts should be directed to the Inquiry through                                                                                                           

You can find out more information about the experts and the letters of instruction here.