Inquiry publishes timetable and opens registration for Treloar’s hearings


The witness timetable for hearings examining Treloar’s from 21-25 June has now been published and you can register to attend here. We are asking people to do this by Thursday 10 June. 

During these hearings we will take evidence on Treloar’s from former pupils and staff, and Inquiry Counsel will give a presentation. 

The Inquiry will continue to facilitate the participation of everyone watching proceedings remotely by offering access to a live broadcast, in addition to the YouTube broadcast with a short time delay.

The telephone support offered by the Inquiry’s British Red Cross team will operate throughout the hearings.

We are asking anyone who is considering whether to attend in person to think carefully about the risks and benefits before registering. Due to social distancing measures, the number of Inquiry participants, recognised legal representatives, and media who can attend is significantly lower than before the pandemic. 

We will publish the witness timetable and open registration for subsequent hearing weeks nearer the time. Registration will be announced on the Inquiry website, and by email to everyone on our mailing list. You can join the Inquiry’s mailing list by emailing or calling 0808 169 1377.