Inquiry publishes December hearings timetable and indicative weeks for spring 2022 hearingsĀ 


The Inquiry has published the timetable for public hearings examining blood services from 30 November - 10 December and you can register to attend here. We are asking people to register by Friday 12 November.

During these hearings, the Inquiry will hear from more blood transfusion centre directors. 

The Inquiry had planned to hold hearings during the week of 13 December. Instead of that, we will add an extra  week to the hearings on blood services in the new year. 

The indicative dates for hearings from January to March 2022 are here. These hearings will continue the evidence about blood services and then focus on blood transfusion policy and practice, followed by self-sufficiency and domestic production by the Blood Products Laboratory (BPL) and the Protein Fractionation Centre (PFC).

The Inquiry will continue to facilitate the participation of everyone watching proceedings remotely by offering access to a live broadcast feed, in addition to theYouTube broadcast stream with a short time delay.

The hearings will take place at  Aldwych House, 71-91 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4HN.

We ask anyone who is considering whether to attend in person to think carefully about the risks and benefits before registering.  Due to the continued risk from coronavirus, the number of Inquiry participants, recognised legal representatives and media who can attend is significantly lower than before the pandemic.