Inquiry confirms December 2020 timetable


We have updated our indicative timetable, with dates now confirmed for clinicians giving evidence on haemophilia centres in Edinburgh and Glasgow in December 2020. We have also announced hearings for the Belfast and Manchester Haemophilia Centres, and Frimley Park Hospital in January 2021. There will be sessions in late January with the Inquiry’s medical ethics experts. You can view the up to date timetable here.

Sir Brian Langstaff and Jenni Richards QC will take evidence from the hearing room at Fleetbank House. 

The coronavirus restrictions in England remain in place until 2 December, and we will not reopen registration for attendance at hearings until the government guidance changes. Until then, you will be able to follow all hearings online, and there is more information about this here

Registration for later hearings will be announced on the Inquiry website, and by email to everyone on our mailing list. You can join the Inquiry’s mailing list by emailing or calling 0808 169 1377.